[ncl-install] (no subject)

amit timilsina timilsinaamit87 at huskers.unl.edu
Fri Aug 1 15:55:05 MDT 2014

Dear Mary,

Thank you for information. I really appreciate your help.

I was just able to unzip the file and find the exact directory with the help of one friend. Now, I am looking for setting up the environment to run the installed NCL. I tried to do so but confused in may ways. I have downloaded netedit but unable to install. How exactly edit the .bashrc file?

Thank you Mary

From: Mary Haley <haley at ucar.edu>
Sent: Friday, August 01, 2014 4:33 PM
To: amit timilsina
Cc: ncl-install at ucar.edu
Subject: Re: [ncl-install] (no subject)

Dear Amit,

It would help if you include the exact "unzip" command you are typing and the exact error message, because there's not enough information to go on here.

Are you familiar with UNIX commands like "ls" and "cd"?  "ls" will list the contents of your current directory.  Whenever you get a message like "directory not found" or "file not found", it helps to do an "ls" to see if the file or directory you are trying to access actually exists.

Did you download the precompiled Cygwin binary for NCL and put it in the \home\atimilsina2 directory?  My guess is that you may have downloaded the binary, but not put it in that directory.


On Fri, Aug 1, 2014 at 11:43 AM, amit timilsina <timilsinaamit87 at huskers.unl.edu<mailto:timilsinaamit87 at huskers.unl.edu>> wrote:
Hi, This is Amit. I am new for NCL. The 32 bit cygwin was installed in my 64 bit computer  in windows OS and trying to install NCL. The home directory was like "\home\atimilsina2" after using "pdw". When I tried to follow the instructions given on website (https://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Download/cygwin.shtml#DownloadNCL) to unzip the file. The message of 'no directory was found' pop up. Could you please help me from the initial step to install the NCL. I really appreciate your help in advance.

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