[NARCCAP-discuss] MM5I precipitation from ccsm nested runs

Pryor, Sara C. spryor at indiana.edu
Fri Apr 13 09:17:28 MDT 2012

Sorry for filling peoples mailboxes but I am getting an error from ncdump when I apply it to the table 2 precipitation variable from MM5I for ccsm nested simulations. I do NOT get this error for other variables.
I simply get '*** ncdump: ncopen failed on pr_MM5I_ccsm_1968010103.nc'
Has anyone else had this problem - or even better found a solution?

S.C. Pryor

Provosts Professor of Atmospheric Science
Associate Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs

Also: Editor of Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres. To find information about how to submit a manuscript go to http://www.agu.org/journals/jd/
Member of the National Climate Assessment Development and Advisory Committee

MultiDisciplinary Science Building II
702 North Walnut Grove
Indiana University
Bloomington IN47405
Tel: 1-812-855-5155
Email: spryor at indiana.edu

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