[mpas-developers] COMMIT CHECK: Branch Merge

Michael Duda duda at ucar.edu
Tue Dec 4 12:04:59 MST 2012

Hi, Doug.

Since this will affect everyone, including our work here to implement
MPAS-A as a dynamical core in CAM, I thought I'd bring this up with the
larger group.  The Makefile in the src directory (i.e., src/Makefile) of
the branch is looking a bit tangled to me with all of the "ifeq"
statements.  As a potential solution, I'm wondering whether we could
make use of include files, so src/Makefile looks something like:

ifeq "$(CESM)" "true"

include Makefile.in.CESM_OCN


   # Current contents of the Makefile


This would allow us the flexibility to do whatever we need to for MPAS-O
and MPAS-A, while still keeping the Makefile for a stand-alone build
looking clean. I'd imagined that, when building the MPAS-A dycore within
CAM, we could add a little extra logic:

ifeq "$(CESM)" "true"

ifeq "$(CORE)" "ocean"
include Makefile.in.CESM_OCN

ifeq "$(CORE)" "nhyd_atmos"
include Makefile.in.CESM_ATM


   # Current contents of the Makefile


Does this sound like a potentially viable approach? I think that
splitting out the specifics for CESM and CAM builds could make it easier
for other developers (and future users, potentially) to follow the build
sequence and dependencies.


On Mon, Dec 03, 2012 at 01:25:19PM -0700, Doug Jacobsen wrote:
> Hello All,
> I have been working recently on coupling MPAS-O to CESM. I currently have
> it setup to where MPAS build's in a suitable method for CESM, and the Ocean
> model can run within CESM (without being forced).
> Several changes were made that were needed to be able to have MPAS build
> properly for inclusion in to CESM. I want to merge the branch I have been
> working under to the trunk before putting more work on the forcing side.
> This way, we have a checkpoint on the trunk of a working version of MPAS
> with the CESM.
> Also, I think I won't need to make any more changes to the shared areas of
> MPAS after this commit.
> The branch in question is branches/ocean_projects/cesm_coupling. I'll
> commit it on Wednesday if I don't hear anything about it, but any questions
> or comments are welcome.
> Thanks!
> Doug

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