[mpas-developers] Integer halo updates

Mark Petersen mpetersen at lanl.gov
Fri Jun 11 12:01:33 MDT 2010


In my ocean_projects/topography_mrp branch, I added the following 
subroutines to src/framework/module_dmpar.F:

+   subroutine dmpar_exch_halo_field1dInteger(dminfo, array, dim1, 
+   subroutine dmpar_exch_halo_field2dInteger(dminfo, array, dim1, dim2, 
+   subroutine dmpar_exch_halo_field3dInteger(dminfo, array, dim1, dim2,

I need these to exchange halo information for maxLevel integer arrays for 
the topography during startup.  I call it with calls like

    call dmpar_exch_halo_field2dInteger(domain % dminfo, maxLevelCell, &
            block % mesh % nVertLevels, block % mesh % nCells, &
            block % parinfo % cellsToSend, block % parinfo % cellsToRecv)

in src/core_ocean/module_test_cases.F, but get a seg fault.

Could you please look at my new dmpar subroutines sometime?  The timing is 
not critical, because my branch works without the halo updates. 
Eventually we will want these in the trunk framework.


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