[Grad-postdoc-assn] Job-Application Writing Group Sign-up Reminder

Curtis Walker walker at ucar.edu
Thu Dec 20 09:56:21 MST 2018

 Greetings Everyone!

Thanks to those who joined Professor Kris Karnauskas for Tuesday's teaching
statement session. We hope to have additional sessions on
research/diversity & inclusion statements/teaching portfolios, etc. in the
new year as well!

As a reminder if you are interested in the job-application writing group,
please sign-up below. I am hoping to reach out to those interested after
the holidays / AMS. Let me know if you have any questions.

*Job-Application Writing Group*
This could be a daily writing session for one or two weeks, or it could be
a weekly brown-bag writing session, or it could be both depending on who
signs up and what they want to do.  The idea is to get innervated by others
to show materials to and get feedback and ideas from, and to make good
progress on producing items like research statements and CVs. The push to
do this more intensively is related to there being academic job postings up
right now with nearby deadlines.  *Please sign up here

Best and Happy Holidays/Safe Travels,

Curtis Walker
ASP Postdoctoral Fellow
Research Applications Laboratory
National Center for Atmospheric Research
E: walker at ucar.edu
T: (303)-497-1448
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