[GO-ESSP] GO-ESSP Seattle '08 post-workshop materials

Steve Hankin Steven.C.Hankin at noaa.gov
Fri Oct 10 17:10:59 MDT 2008

Hello Go_ESSP participants,

As with past meetings of GO-ESSP, September's GO-ESSP workshop in 
Seattle was enjoyable and fascinating.  As the host of this years' 
meeting I'd like to express my thanks to all who attended and helped out 
for making it a great success.

The on-line agenda from the meeting has been updated with links to the 
session abstracts and presentation materials.  Thanks to Jason Alvich 
and Chris Kerr at GFDL for pulling this together.  See 

Below are the volunteer action items that we drafted in the final hour 
of the meeting.  While many of the items represent unfunded (or 
inadequately funded) work, all are important goals for our community.  I 
hope we will all refer back to these as touch stones from time to time 
to remind us of priorities and help us to measure our progress.

    thanks - Steve Hankin (on behalf of the GO-ESSP Organizing Committee)


ACTION ITEMS from September 2008 GO-ESSP Community Workshop

   1. Formulate a letter about our concerns regarding OGC/WCS, forward
      it, and identify a path forward. [/initiated via GALEON email in
      September by Jon Blower, Steve Hankin, John Caron, Roy M. et. al./]
   2. Need a syntax for server-side georeferencing along with analysis.
      [/Roland S., Steve H., Roy M/.]
   3. Development of a standard URL-naming scheme, primarily in the
      context of AR5 [/Martin J., Steve H., Bob D/.]
   4. Federated identity management and authentication, authorization in
      the IPCC AR5 context (MPI, BADC, ESG/NCAR/PCMDI)
   5. NcWMS, F-TDS, and THREDDS connections [/Roland S., John B., John C./]
   6. Link the BODC Vocab server to the CF server and standard names
      (Ethan: OGC manages registered URN standard names spaces, of
      interest?) [/Roy L./]
   7. Expand Gridspec for more scenarios  [/? , Karen Schuchardt/]
   8. Define an API for GridSpec regridding operations via fregrid code
      [/Steve H., Bob D., Balaji/]
   9. Create a TDS-based regridding service for GridSpec [/Steve H.,
      Roland S., Balaji/]
  10. Integrate ERDDAP into LAS [/Roy M/.]
  11. Figure out how to make GridSpec as part of CF [/Balaji/]
  12. Develop a data model and a netCDF implementation that addresses
      the needs of unstructured grid modelers [/Rich Signell/]

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