[ES_JOBS_NET] Research Analyst, climate impacts and adaptation

Hino, Miyuki mhino at unc.edu
Tue Apr 2 17:13:46 MDT 2024

Hi colleagues,
I am hiring a full-time research analyst to join my group, largely in support of work at the interface of climate change, migration, and housing markets. More information on ongoing research in my group is available here<https://www.miyukihino.com/research-1>. This position is ideal for someone with a Bachelors or Masters degree, skills analyzing large datasets with R or Python, and experience/interest in climate change impacts and adaptation.

The start date is listed as June 1, but there is flexibility on timing. Detailed info here: https://unc.peopleadmin.com/postings/277028<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/unc.peopleadmin.com/postings/277028__;!!KVu0SnhVq1hAFvslES2Y!OFLDv6-kZZiamfZzqXNX0UBUlQRZgTFme6bLY5WUtCnkBBjrZjBvW5w_xm_zkAXce9LPZ-ndL_8Bc8a8$>. Thank you for sharing this with your networks!

Miyuki Hino, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of City and Regional Planning &
Environment, Ecology and Energy Program (E3P)
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
mhino at unc.edu<mailto:mhino at unc.edu> | www.miyukihino.com<http://www.miyukihino.com> | she/her/hers

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