[ES_JOBS_NET] Job opportunity: Scientist-in-Residence

Danica Lombardozzi danicalombardozzi at yahoo.com
Fri May 17 10:28:55 MDT 2019

A Scientist-in-Residence position isavailable at Hayground School ( www.hayground.org),a private, non-traditional elementary and middle school in Bridgehampton, NY(eastern Long Island).  The position is available for the 2019 -2020school year.

The primary job of a Scientist-in-Residence at Hayground school is to conductindependent research projects and involve students throughout the processes ofdeveloping research ideas, designing experiments, collecting results, analyzingdata, and informal presentation of results.  These research projects should be in the field or interest of the visitingscientist. The position provides a fantastic opportunity for anyoneinterested in hands-on science education and fulfills the broader impactsrequirements for NSF proposals.  For more information or to apply, pleasecontact Marcelle Langendal at mlangendal at hayround.org.
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