[ES_JOBS_NET] MS Graduate Student Position at Oregon State University in Forest Soil and Ecosystem Biogeochemistry

Pett-Ridge, Julie Christine Julie.Pett-Ridge at oregonstate.edu
Sat Apr 20 16:49:20 MDT 2019

Position: MS Graduate Student Position at Oregon State University in Forest Soil and Ecosystem Biogeochemistry
Location: Corvallis, Oregon.
Description: We seek a highly motivated student to fill a MS graduate student assistantship at Oregon State University to investigate biogeochemical links between nitrogen-fixing trees and mineral weathering in soils. The student will receive a MS in either Forest Ecosystems and Society or Soil Science. Qualifications: Preferred applicants will have an undergraduate degree in Chemistry, Environmental Science, Ecology, Geology, Soil Science or a related field, some research experience, and a GPA of 3.0 or greater. The position provides a competitive stipend, plus tuition and benefits.
Start date: Fall 2019.
To Apply: Please email (1) a cover letter describing research experience and interests, (2) CV, (3) unofficial transcripts and GRE scores, and (4) contact information of three references to Dr. Julie Pett-Ridge (Julie.pett-ridge at oregonstate.edu<mailto:Julie.pett-ridge at oregonstate.edu>) and Dr. Steven Perakis (steven.perakis at oregonstate.edu<mailto:sperakis at usgs.gov>).
More information available at:

Julie C. Pett-Ridge
Associate Professor
Department of Crop and Soil Science
3041 ALS Building
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR 97331
Julie.Pett-Ridge at oregonstate.edu<mailto:Julie.Pett-Ridge at oregonstate.edu>

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