[ES_JOBS_NET] PhD Position in geochemistry at FAU Germany

Erika Marín-Spiotta emarinspiotta at gmail.com
Thu Nov 22 07:22:26 MST 2018

The Chair of Applied Geology at GeoZentrum Nordbayern, University of
Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU), Germany is seeking a highly motivated candidate
for an interdisciplinary project on salt deposits and their use as
underground storage of gases and fluids.

The project aims to investigate principles of innovative technologies to
help understand cavern stability. Partners involved are experts from
industry and from Helmholtz GeoForschungszentrum (GFZ Potsdam) with aspects
of geophysics, gas geochemistry and hydrogeological modelling. Project
objectives include identification of fluid and gas sources in salt
deposits. The work will focus on stable isotope analyses of H2O and CO2,
extractions from highly saline solutions and laboratory experiments.

The full text, deadlines and contact information can be found here:
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