[ES_JOBS_NET] Postdoc/PhD position at Tel Aviv University

Nili Harnik harnik at tauex.tau.ac.il
Sun Mar 18 02:30:45 MDT 2018

Seeking a post-doc or a PhD student for two projects on global circulation regimes.
One project on the anomalous merging of the Atlantic and African jets involves collaboration with Freddy Bouchet at ENS de Lyon, France.
The aim of the project is to study possible but rare merging of the Atlantic and Pacific jets, that have been observed in the past. It will involve running models and the use of rare event algorithms, developed in statistical physics.
The second project involves understanding how the response of the global circulation to external forcing depends on the model's jet type, or dynamical regime. The candidate should have a background in either climate sciences, atmosphere dynamics, geophysical fluid dynamics, or physics.
Interested candidates please contact Nili Harnik: harnik at post.tau.ac.il<mailto:harnik at post.tau.ac.il>

Prof. Nili Harnik
Head, Department of Geophysics
School of Earth Sciences
Tel Aviv University
Tel Aviv, 69978, Israel
harnik at tau.ac.il<mailto:harnik at tau.ac.il>

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