[ES_JOBS_NET] postdoctoral research position (CIRES/CU)

Dimitris Papanastasiou dimitris.papanastasiou at noaa.gov
Sat Feb 24 11:57:36 MST 2018

Dear Colleagues,

The Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences 
(CIRES), at the University of Colorado, invites applications for a 
postdoctoral research position(s), to work with the Chemical Processes 
and Instrument Development group of the Chemical Sciences Division (CSD) 
of NOAA.

Further details and application information can be found here:

Best regards,

Dr. Dimitrios K. Papanastasiou
Research Scientist (CIRES/CU)
NOAA Chemical Sciences Division
email: dimitris.papanastasiou at noaa.gov
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