[ES_JOBS_NET] EPA Summer Aerosol Projects for Students/Postdocs

Pye, Havala Pye.Havala at epa.gov
Thu Feb 8 06:08:34 MST 2018

The National Exposure Research Laboratory at the U.S. EPA has several summer research opportunities in air quality science available to students and postdocs. These opportunities involve working with the CMAQ Model Development Team to improve our understanding of atmospheric processes that lead to new particles and secondary organic aerosol. Topics include the role of monoterpenes in aerosol formation, consumer products vs. vehicles as sources of SOA in the urban atmosphere, and representations of particle size and new particle formation.

Please apply through the ORAU Zintellect website to one or both of these opportunities if you are interested:
Understanding Products and Processes as Sources of Organic Compounds in the Ambient Atmosphere<https://www.zintellect.com/Posting/Details/4042>
Understanding the Role of Monoterpenes in Aerosol and New Particle Formation<https://www.zintellect.com/Posting/Details/4041>

Participants will be mentored by Havala Pye and/or Ben Murphy and receive a stipend for their participation. We would be happy to discuss details of the projects with interested applicants. Projects will be ~3-6 months in duration and are expected to finish by September 30, 2018.
Review of applications is expected to begin February 16.

In the event that the above hyperlinks were removed, please see:
for application details.

Havala Olson Taylor Pye, Ph.D.
Physical Scientist
National Exposure Research Laboratory
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina

Phone: (919) 541-3557
Email: Pye.Havala at epa.gov<mailto:Pye.Havala at epa.gov>

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