[ES_JOBS_NET] UCI Lab Manager position - seeking PhD level applicants with LA-ICP-MS expertise

Kathleen Johnson kathleen.johnson at uci.edu
Mon Dec 17 12:06:02 MST 2018

Hello All,

UC Irvine is currently seeking a PhD level Staff Scientist to serve as 
Manager of the UC Irvine TEMPR(Thermal Elemental Mechanical Physical 
Rheological) Facility, a new world-class user facility for bulk 
characterization of biological, soft, and hard materials.

The initial review deadline has passed, but application review will 
continue until filled: https://recruit.ap.uci.edu/apply/JPF05061




Kathleen R. Johnson
Associate Professor,
Department of Earth System Science
University of California, Irvine
3206 Croul Hall
Irvine, CA  92697
Phone:  949-824-6174

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