[ES_JOBS_NET] Ph.D. opportunities in contaminant fate and transport – Environmental Engineering at Temple University (Philadelphia, PA)

E.R. McKenzie ermckenzie at temple.edu
Tue Nov 28 09:58:05 MST 2017

*Ph.D. opportunities in contaminant fate and transport – Environmental
Engineering at Temple University (Philadelphia, PA) *

Two environmental engineering Ph.D. positions are available in the
laboratory of Dr. Erica R. McKenzie at Temple University in Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania. Students will conduct experimental research in the following
two areas:

*1.*    *Poly- and perfluorinated substance (PFAS) removal by ion exchange
(IX) resin**: optimizing treatment of contaminated water*

PFASs are a human and ecosystem health concern, and are present at
concern-worthy concentrations in the drinking water of six million
Americans.  This project combines laboratory batch and column laboratory
studies to assess IX performance for PFASs removal, and potential IX
regeneration, and will include LC-MS/MS analysis.  This research will be
conducted in collaboration with a several industrial partners.

*2.*    *Metal-organic matter complexation in green stormwater
infrastructure**: quantifying the role of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in
metal mobility*

Green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) relies on infiltration to restore
water flows and to improve water quality, however contaminant dynamics in
GSI are not well understood. This project addresses the movement of
potentially toxic elements through stormwater BMP media, and how DOC
affects the mobility.  This research will combine laboratory and field
work, coupled with ICP-MS and LC/ICP-MS analysis.

Applicants should be enthusiastic and motivated, should have a B.S. in
environmental engineering or a related field, and should have strong verbal
and written communication skills; a M.S. is highly preferred.  Experience
with laboratory research and environmental analytical chemistry are
considered a positive, but not mandatory.  The expected start date is Fall
2018 and selected applicants will be supported via both research and
teaching assistantships, which will includes tuition remission, stipend,
and health insurance. Prospective applicants should officially apply to the
Temple University Ph.D. program (link below) and should also submit
application materials directly to Dr. McKenzie (ermckenzie at temple.edu;
of interest, resume, GRE score, TOEFL score if applicable, and contact
information of three referees) by December 30th; prospective applicants
should send questions regarding the positions to Dr. McKenzie.

Philadelphia has been ranked among the top cities in which to reside or
visit.  The Temple University Department of Civil and Environmental
Engineering includes approximately forty graduate students engaged in
research on a variety of topics.

Apply to Temple University Ph.D. program:

Erica R. McKenzie, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Civil and Environmental Engineering, Temple University
1947 N. 12th St., Philadelphia, PA, 19122
Phone: (215) 204-6093
Fax: (215) 204-4696
McKenzie Environmental Engineering Research Group
ICP-MS Center
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