[ES_JOBS_NET] 2 Positions as Research Associate / University of Cologne & University of Bonn

Timo Klein tklein1402 at gmx.de
Fri Mar 4 02:38:38 MST 2016

The Institute for Geophysics and Meteorology (IGMK, University of Cologne, Germany) and
the Meteorological Institute (MIUB, University of Bonn, Germany) each offer one position as Research Associate.

1) The Position as Research Associate in Cologne is for managing the DFG-funded Core Facility Jülich Observatory for Cloud Evolution (JOYCE-CF, see geomet.uni-koeln.de/joyce <http://geomet.uni-koeln.de/joyce>)
     For more information contact PD Dr. Ulrich Löhnert:   loehnert[at]meteo.uni-koeln.de

2) The Position as Research Associate in Bonn is for managing especially the two polarimetric X-band radars within the DFG-funded Core Facility Jülich Observatory for Cloud Evolution    
    (JOYCE-CF, see geomet.uni-koeln.de/joyce <http://geomet.uni-koeln.de/joyce>). For more information contact Dr. Silke Trömel:  silke.troemel[at]meteo.uni-bonn.de

The details can be found in the attached documents. The application deadline for both positions is March 31st.

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