[ES_JOBS_NET] California Air Resources Board vacancy in Transportation Planning Branch

Annalisa Schilla annalisa.schilla at gmail.com
Mon Jun 6 11:27:03 MDT 2016

The California Air Resources Board is hiring.  Please share this position
with interested/qualified candidates.  I'm happy to put people in touch
with the hiring managers if anyone has questions.

*Position:  *Air Resources Engineer in the Transportation System Planning
*Job Description and Duties:*
The Transportation System Planning Section has an opening for a motivated
individual to join a team investigating how on-road and off-road vehicle
technology, fuels and the transportation system can be leveraged to meet
ARB’s air quality, climate and health goals.  The Vision team conducts
integrated, holistic assessments of the magnitude of vehicle and fuel
technology penetration necessary and how quickly technologies need to be
introduced.  The results are an important aid in policy development for
planning, inform decision-making for investments, and help identify
potential synergies and tradeoffs among various policies.  The work is
highly collaborative and technical.  The selected candidate will join a
team that bridges the technical underpinnings of ARB’s mobile source and
energy programs with scenario analyses that decision-makers can use to
better coordinate vehicle technology, fuel and transportation system

The selected candidate will be responsible for refining Vision modeling
focused on programs, regulations and technologies involving on-road heavy
duty vehicles, and assessing how changes made to the heavy duty fleet
impact the transportation, freight, and energy systems.  The incumbent will
also be responsible for communicating and coordinating with ARB technical
staff and management, air districts, government agencies and stakeholders
to conduct scenario-based analyses. The candidate should be comfortable
preparing high-profile reports, presentations, and policy briefs that
require a high-level blend of technical and policy content to inform policy
development decisions that shape the future of California’s passenger and
freight transportation policies.
*Application Instructions*
Completed applications and all required documents must be received by the
Final Filing Date in order to be considered.
Final Filing Date: 6/14/2016
Completed applications and all required documents must be received or
postmarked by the Final Filing Date in order to be considered. Individuals
who are currently in the classification, eligible for lateral transfer,
eligible for reinstatement, eligible for a Training and Development
assignment, have SROA and/or Surplus eligibility, or have list eligibility
(or are in the process of obtaining list eligibility). SROA and Surplus
candidates may attach “surplus letters” to their applications. Applicants
must meet any Minimum Qualifications stated in the Classification
Specification(s). Applications will be screened and only the most qualified
applicants will be selected for an interview.
*How To Apply *
Complete Application Packages (Applications and any applicable or required
documents) must be submitted electronically through your CalCareer account
at www.jobs.ca.gov.
*Required Application Documents *
Please submit the following items with your application. Applicants who do
not submit the required items timely may not be considered for this job:

·         State Examination/Employment Application STD Form 678. All
Experience and Education relating to the Minimum Qualifications listed on
the Classification Specification should be included to demonstrate how you
meet the Minimum Qualifications for the position.

·         Resume is optional. It may be included, but is not required.

·         Degree and/or School Transcripts
Applicants requiring reasonable accommodations for the hiring interview
process must request the necessary accommodations if scheduled for a hiring
interview. The request should be made at the time of contact to schedule
the interview. Questions regarding reasonable accommodations may be
directed to the EEO contact listed on this job posting.

*Annalisa Schilla, Ph.D. | *Air Resources Board | Climate Action and
Research Planning | 916.322.8514 office | 916.322.4357 fax |
aschilla at arb.ca.gov
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