[ES_JOBS_NET] Freelance Scientific Editors - Earth Sciences, Stallard Scientific Editing

Christine Wiedinmyer christin at ucar.edu
Fri Nov 27 15:14:00 MST 2015

Stallard Scientific Editing is seeking part-time scientific editors in 
the specialist fields of seismology, tectonics, structural geology, 
economic geology, igneous and metamorphic geology; also atmospheric 
science. The work involves editing scientific manuscripts (written by 
non-native speakers) for consistency, correct grammar, correct use of 
English, and readability, without altering the scientific content or 
changing the author's meaning.

These positions are especially suitable for active researchers who wish 
to supplement their income with part-time editing work. You will be 
expected to edit papers within your technical field, combining your 
specialist knowledge with an excellent command of written scientific 

Minimum qualifications:

PhD and publication record in seismology, tectonics, structural geology, 
economic geology, igneous and metamorphic geology, or atmospheric science
Native English speaker
Experience in editing scientific manuscripts is preferred
Country of residence is not important because all files are transferred 
via the Internet.

For further details, see http://www.stallardediting.com/employment.php.

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