[ES_JOBS_NET] Postdoctoral Opportunity focused on Digital Soil Mapping at the University of Arizona

Erika Marín-Spiotta marinspiotta at wisc.edu
Sat May 24 06:01:18 MDT 2014

The University of Arizona Center
for Environmental Physics and Mineralogy and Environmental Pedology lab
applications from prospective postdoctoral scientists to conduct
soil science research focused on the application of geospatial, statistical,
and field measurement techniques to the digital soil mapping (DSM) of soil
physical, chemical, and biological properties and soil-landscape
classification.  Project work will span spatial scales ranging
from small first order catchments to areas over 250,000 ha, and span diverse
environments from arid and semiarid ecosystems to wet tropical forests, with
particular focus on the Southwest US.  Required
qualifications include a Ph.D. in soil science or closely related field.
Preferred qualifications include a strong
background in soil and landscape modeling techniques, including geospatial
geostatistical analyses, use of remote sensing products such as LandSat and
MODIS, digital terrain modeling, and geographic information system
applications.  We have immediate need for
an individual that can assist in project management, including data analysis
and modeling, working with graduate students and other postdoctoral
and active participation in grant and manuscript writing.  A particular
focus of this position in the
near term will include working across sites that are part of the Critical
Observatory (CZO) network with the aim of developing cross-CZO publications
DSM techniques. Current project funding extends over a 3-5 year period with
potential to transition the position to an Assistant Research Scientist
appointment with the CEPM.

Interested applicants should
submit a cover letter of interest and a curriculum vitae to Prof. Craig
Rasmussen (crasmss at cals.arizona.edu [1]) for consideration.  Please feel
free to contact Craig Rasmussen
for further discussion.
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