[ES_JOBS_NET] Post-doc at Univ. of Minnesota in Energy topics

Tracey Holloway taholloway at wisc.edu
Sat Feb 23 13:46:28 MST 2013

Please see the attached job announcement for a post-doc at UMN, working with Anu Ramaswami & the Sustainable Infrastructure, Sustainable Cities (SISC) Initiative. If you know any PhD students graduating this semester who work on energy-related topics, feel free to forward this announcement. The selection of short-listed applicants will happen soon-ish; if a grad student is interested, he/she should drop a note to let us know to expect his/her application. The project is based in the US, India, and China.

Program description:
The Initiative on Sustainable Infrastructure, Sustainable Cities (SISC) consists of research, education and outreach activities in the area of low carbon, sustainable cities. SISC is the recipient of a National Science Foundation Research Coordination Network (RCN) grant and a National Science Foundation Partnerships for International Research and Education (PIRE) grant totaling over $5 million in federal funds. We seek a post-doctoral associate to work on high impact international research on sustainable cities with PI Ramaswami and students in the PIRE project.


 Julian Marshall
 co-Director, Acara 
 Assistant Professor of Environmental Engineering
 University of Minnesota
 julian at umn.edu  ||  http://z.umn.edu/julian ||  +1 (612) 625-2397

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