[ES_JOBS_NET] Indian Monsoon Mission postdoc position in Miami

Brian Mapes bmapes at rsmas.miami.edu
Mon Aug 26 14:59:00 MDT 2013

Dear Colleagues, 

Applications are invited for a post-doctoral position with Prof. Brian Mapes 
at the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences (RSMAS), 
University of Miami. The position is for one year, subject to one renewal 
year based on satisfactory performance. Review of applications will begin 
September 23.

The project is sponsored by the Indian government's National Monsoon Mission, 
an international effort to improve the prediction of the Indian region's monsoon,
especially summer rainfall and related processes. The successful candidate will 
work toward holistic improvements of relevant global forecast models, by trying to 
interpret and then minimize the tendency terms required to keep the model close to 
observed (analyzed) state sequences. Such tendencies are written during runs 
with relaxation or "nudging" terms. 

The most relevant forecast model is the Climate Forecast System (CFS-v2), or 
perhaps the Unified Model.  Candidates with experience modifying these codes
and able to run them on relevant computers are especially desired. Data analysis 
skills, as well as experience in scientific experiment design, interpretation, 
and communication are critical attributes for the successful candidate. A Ph.D.
in atmospheric science is expected, and candidates should display a thorough 
understanding of atmospheric modeling and its dependence on physical 
parameterization schemes. 

Applicants should email a 1-page statement of research interests and relevant 
experience, plus a complete CV including contact information for three references, 
to bmapes at rsmas.miami.edu. 

Thank you for your interest. Please forward as appropriate. 
(initial distribution list copied from a related NMM postdoc announcement). 
Brian Mapes, Professor
Meteorology and Physical Oceanography
RSMAS, University of Miami
4600 Rickenbacker Causeway
Miami, FL 33149-1098
phone: (305) 421-4275
Web: http://www.rsmas.miami.edu/users/bmapes/

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