[ES_JOBS_NET] Ph.D Fellowships in Paleolimnology, Aquatic Ecology and Isotope Biogeochemistry

Erika Marín-Spiotta marinspiotta at wisc.edu
Thu Apr 4 09:05:03 MDT 2013

From: James O Sickman <james.sickman at ucr.edu>

 April 3, 2013****

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*Graduate Fellowship Opportunities at UC Riverside***

The Department of Environmental Sciences at UC Riverside is seeking
graduate students to work on NSF-sponsored investigations of
paleolimnology, aquatic ecology and isotope biogeochemistry of the Sierra
Nevada. This work builds on the more than 30-year record of limnological
and watershed research conducted at Emerald Lake in Sequoia National Park (
http://ccb.ucr.edu/emeraldlake/index.html). These Ph.D Fellowships include
a monthly stipend, full tuition and fees and funds to conduct research.****

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*Education and experience –* An MS or BS degree in aquatic ecology,
hydrology, limnology, or similar discipline is required. Experience in
aquatic ecology, paleolimnology and stable isotopes desired. Candidates
must have the ability to work at remote field sites. Applicants should
e-mail, in a single pdf file, to Dr. J. Sickman at UC Riverside (
jsickman at ucr.edu): i) a cover letter describing their education, research
experience and career goals, ii) a CV and iii) list of references including
contact information. ****

For more information about the position please contact:****

James O. Sickman****

Associate Professor and Vice Chair****

Department of Environmental Sciences****

University of California, Riverside****

Room 2324 Geology****

Riverside, California 92521****

Office: (951) 827-4552****

Fax: (951) 827-3993****

E-mail: james.sickman at ucr.edu****

URL: http://www.envisci.ucr.edu/faculty/sickman.html****

Facility for Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (FIRMS):


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