CEDAR email: AGU SA14: Middle and subauroral latitude aeronomy

Shun-Rong Zhang shunrong at mit.edu
Tue Jul 18 00:09:43 MDT 2023

 Dear all,

We solicit contributions to  AGU Session SA14: Middle and subauroral latitude aeronomy. This session will covers a variety of magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere and atmospheric coupling areas that are relevant to space weather and low atmospheric forcing, including but not limited to, storm/substorm time features such as SED, SAPS, SAR arc, STEVE and TADs/TIDs, and other features such as TIDs, sporadic E, descending layers, irregularities, and climatological "anomalies". Detailed information may be found here:

SA14: Middle and subauroral latitude aeronomy.
Abstract submission deadline: 02 August 2023 23:59 EDT - 03 August 2023 03:59 GMT/UT

The Fall AGU meeting will take place in San Francisco, CA, USA, as well as online during the week of 11-15 December 2023.

We look forwarding to your contribution and seeing you in San Francisco.

Shun-Rong Zhang, Phil Erickson, Wenbin Wang, Bharat Kunduri


Shun-Rong Zhang, PhD 
MIT Haystack Observatory 
99 Millstone Rd, Westford, MA 01886, US 
http://srz.mit.edu | shunrong at mit.edu 
Phone: 617-715-5725 

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