[Wrf-users] low concentration in wrf chem simulation for 2nd, 3rd time step.

Prashant Singh prashant.singh at physics.mu.ac.in
Sat Dec 23 23:14:04 MST 2017

Dear all,

I am new in WRF Chem, I am working on south Asian domain for seasonal
simulation on 12*12 km2 grid. WRF chem simulation for BC and other aerosols
giving sudden fall of concentration on 2nd, 3rd and 4th time steps in 2D
plots, but time series plot look quite ok. I am not sure whether, I am
doing right simulation or not.

Anthro emission - EDGAR-HTAP
Bio emission - egan_bio_emiss utility
Fire emission- FINN

I updated initial and boundary condition with MOZART  using mozbc utility.

I am attaching time series plot, and  2D plot for BC concentration for
every time step (at every 3hr) and namelist in pdf. Please suggest me what
improvement, I need in name list to improve simulations.

Waiting for kind reply.

Thanks and Regards,
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