[Wrf-users] Questions regarding how simulation domain settng up

Jewett, Brian Ford bjewett at illinois.edu
Fri Oct 28 14:29:18 MDT 2016


You should consult the WRF documentation.  This tutorial document on the WRF preprocessing system is probably helpful in domain selection -


For designing grid locations / domains, this tool is handy:



From: <wrf-users-bounces at ucar.edu> on behalf of 曹智选 <hitcaozx at gmail.com>
Date: Thursday, October 27, 2016 at 4:17 PM
To: wrf users group <wrf-users at ucar.edu>
Cc: Abani Patra <abani.patra at gmail.com>, "mib at buffalo.edu" <mib at buffalo.edu>, "ekthomas at buffalo.edu" <ekthomas at buffalo.edu>
Subject: [Wrf-users] Questions regarding how simulation domain settng up

I am runing WRF with nested domain to get higher resolution meteorological data for a specific region. So the longutide range and latitude range of this specific domain is known.
How to determine i_start and j_start for the nested domain so that these "finer-resolution domain" covers the region of interest.
To be more specific, I am looking for detailed documentaion that can tell me the map between real world (Earth's surface and atmosphere above) to the vitual world (The simulation domain.).
Chapter 3 of user manual gives a little information. As for projection  "Polar Stereographic" and "Lambert ",  the projected earth surface can not fill up the rectangular box. There are some "empty areas".  So what will be the simulation domain looks like. Is it a regular box?
In WRF simulation, should the nodes carries meteorological data concide with nodes of coarse domain?
Thank you!
Zhixuan Cao

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