[Wrf-users] mismatch_landmask_ivgtyp error in WRF 3.8

u.utku.turuncoglu at be.itu.edu.tr u.utku.turuncoglu at be.itu.edu.tr
Wed Jun 8 10:16:06 MDT 2016

Thanks. I could try to use separate SST data to solve the problem. So, how
can i download ERA-Interim land sea mask? Is there any link for it. Could
you give me little bit more detail about the procedure.



> I had issues using ERA-Interim when I needed to update the sea surface
> temperatures. I had to download the ERA landmask separately and use that
> as the land/sea mask for SST in the METGRID table. Hope this helps.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: wrf-users-bounces at ucar.edu [mailto:wrf-users-bounces at ucar.edu] On
> Behalf Of Ufuk Utku Turuncoglu (BE)
> Sent: 08 June 2016 14:30
> To: wrf-users at ucar.edu
> Subject: [Wrf-users] mismatch_landmask_ivgtyp error in WRF 3.8
> Hi,
> I am trying to run the latest version of the WRF model (3.8) using
> ERA-Interim boundary conditions (downloaded from
> http://rda.ucar.edu/data/ds627.0) but i am getting following error when i
> run the real.exe
> ...
>   Noah -> Noah: bad soil moisture at i,j =           37 22
> -5.31028723E-04   7.06315273E-03   2.93480549E-02 7.53371269E-02
>   Noah -> Noah: total number of small soil moisture locations =
> 820
> d01 2015-01-01_00:00:00 Total post number of sea ice location changes
> (water to land) =     47
>   the grid%landmask and soil/veg cats do not match
>   i,j=         119           6
>   grid%landmask=   0.00000000
>   grid%ivgtyp=          17
>   grid%isltyp=          12
>   iswater=          17
>   grid%tslb=   0.00000000       0.00000000       0.00000000 0.00000000
>   grid%sst=   0.00000000
> -------------- FATAL CALLED ---------------
> FATAL CALLED FROM FILE:  <stdin>  LINE:    2970
> mismatch_landmask_ivgtyp
> -------------------------------------------
> ...
> ...
> in this case, i used ungrib/Variable_Tables/Vtable.ERA-interim.pl as
> Vtable file and i did not do any modification in METGRID.TBL file (linked
> to metgrid/METGRID.TBL.ARW) and all the input files are created without
> any problem. So, how can i solve this problem. Is it related with NOAH
> LSM? or latest changes in the code itself. Anyway, please let me know if
> you have any suggestion about it.
> Best Regards,
> --ufuk
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