[Wrf-users] Spectral nudging not working for restart run? gfdda_end_h should be set starting from the restart time or the very beginning time?

Spero, Tanya Spero.Tanya at epa.gov
Fri Apr 8 08:39:55 MDT 2016

Xiaoming -

If you want to use spectral nudging throughout your long run, then you need gfdda_end_h to be the length of your entire simulation, not just the restart segment.


Tanya L. Spero
National Exposure Research Laboratory
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
109 T. W. Alexander Dr., Mail Drop E243-01
Research Triangle Park, NC  27711  USA
+1-919-541-7533 (voice)

From: Xiaoming Hu [mailto:xhu at ou.edu]
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2016 1:10 PM
To: wrf-users at ucar.edu; wrfhelp at ucar.edu
Cc: Spero, Tanya <Spero.Tanya at epa.gov>
Subject: Spectral nudging not working for restart run? gfdda_end_h should be set starting from the restart time or the very beginning time?


  I separated my seasonal run into several segments, the latter runs are restarted from the previous runs.

   But it seems the spectral nudging only worked for the 1st segment run, but not for the latter restart runs.

  Does the spectral nudging not work for restart runs?   Or did I set something wrong?
   See my namelist for a latter restart run:

    One thing I can think of is regarding gfdda_end_h

     Should it be set as the time starting from restart time or from the very beginning time?
     Currently I set it starting from the restart time.

Thanks a lot!

On 03/01/2016 07:09 AM, Spero, Tanya wrote:
Xiaoming -

The current WRF code does not allow spectral nudging of moisture.  However, my colleagues and I built some code into WRF to allow spectral nudging toward moisture, and we published on how using spectral nudging toward moisture can improve regional climate simulations.  We have not contributed that code back to NCAR yet to be considered for the public release of WRF.

Spero, T. L., M. J. Otte, J. H. Bowden, and C. G. Nolte, 2014:  Improving the representation of clouds, radiation, and precipitation using spectral nudging in the Weather Research and Forecasting model.  J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 119, 11,682-11,694, doi:10.1002/2014JD022173.


Tanya L. Spero
National Exposure Research Laboratory
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
109 T. W. Alexander Dr., Mail Drop E243-01
Research Triangle Park, NC  27711  USA
+1-919-541-7533 (voice)

From: wrf-users-bounces at ucar.edu<mailto:wrf-users-bounces at ucar.edu> [mailto:wrf-users-bounces at ucar.edu] On Behalf Of xiaoming Hu
Sent: Monday, February 29, 2016 4:26 PM
To: wrf-users at ucar.edu<mailto:wrf-users at ucar.edu>; wrfhelp at ucar.edu<mailto:wrfhelp at ucar.edu>
Cc: Xiaoming Hu <xhu at ou.edu><mailto:xhu at ou.edu>
Subject: [Wrf-users] spectral nudging for water vapor?

Can I do spectral nudging for water vapor in WRF?

I did 2 runs, one setting "gq = 0" and the other one with "gq = 1.0E-5"
The 2 runs turned out to be identical.

I checked the code
   SUBROUTINE spectral_nudging(grid,itimestep,dt,xtime,id,analysis_interval, end_fdda_hour, &
               if_no_pbl_nudging_uv, if_no_pbl_nudging_t, if_no_pbl_nudging_ph,&
               if_zfac_uv, k_zfac_uv, dk_zfac_uv, &
               if_zfac_t, k_zfac_t, dk_zfac_t, &
               if_zfac_ph, k_zfac_ph, dk_zfac_ph, &
               guv, gt, gph,

appears gq is not even passed in.

So I guess the current WRF can not do spectral nudging for water vapor.

Could anybody confirm?



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