[Wrf-users] Calculating mean(q(t)v(t))

Christopher Thomas christopherthomas at cmt.id.au
Tue Mar 15 16:09:28 MDT 2016

If you need some variable output more often than others then my suggestion
is to output those variables  to an auxiliary history file, and set the
auxiliary history time interval (ie time between output steps) to whatever
you want. This time interval can be controlled quite independently of the
main history time interval (ie for the wrfout files). Search for
'iofields_filename' in the user guide to find out how to control at run
time what variable are output to what files. This is simple and doesn't
require mucking around with registry files and recompiling.


On Wed, Mar 16, 2016 at 7:44 AM, Nicholas Christen <nickswiss11 at gmail.com>

> Hello,
> I am using WRF for an undergraduate research project, and I am completely
> new to the model. I want to calculate horizontal moisture fluxes in a WRF
> subdomain, but as far as I know the model only calculates Qv and Qu at each
> hourly output time. I want to calculate an average q(t)v(t), which means I
> will need to allow the calculations to be saved at every tilmestep. Any
> guidance would be much appreciated.
> -- Nick
> ***************************************************
> Nicholas Christen
> San Francisco State University
> Lead Student Weather Forecaster
> CSME Climate Change Scholar
> ***************************************************
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