[Wrf-users] wps intermediate file using ncl with NASA MERRA

Nikhil nikhilgarg.gju at gmail.com
Mon Feb 1 05:17:30 MST 2016

> In my little experience, I have found that usually data used in WRF from sources for example CFSR, NCEP FNL or ECMWF ERA Interim are interpolated to pressure levels and then ingested in WRF model.
> I have recently tried to write the WRF input files using the MERRA data, but I have kept the data on the model levels which in case of MERRA are GEOS vertical levels.
> I was wondering whether real.exe can figure out the vertical distribution
> from the GEOS level to the eta level or do I need to provide some
> information (example vertical levels) in namelist files for real or metgrid. 
> I have gone through the WRF manual and I could not find any specific
> information on the data structure needed by WRF model, apart from a
> specific format for intermediate file. For my model, I have used GLDAS
> data for soil moisture etc. I have seen some cases on ncl (ncarg) website where they show how the intermediate file are written and I see that usually data in those example scripts is given on pressure levels.
> I appreciate any help in this matter.
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