[Wrf-users] WRF/Chem: Could not find matching time in wrfchemi
Tabish Ansari
tabishumaransari at gmail.com
Wed Nov 11 19:06:02 MST 2015
I am trying to run a 2 day case from 2014-10-14_18:00:00 to
2014-10-16_18:00:00 and have created hourly wrfchemi files using
However, I am getting the following error:
WARNING: dust option 1 currently works only with the GOCART aerosol option.
WARNING: sea salt option 1 currently works only with the GOCART aerosol
chem_init: calling mozcart_lbc_init for domain 1
d01 2014-10-14_18:00:00 call ftuv phot initialization
Timing for Writing wrfout_d01_2014-10-14_18:00:00 for domain 1:
7.12531 elapsed seconds
mediation_integrate: med_read_wrf_chem_emissions: Read emissions for time
mediation_integrate: med_read_wrf_chem_emissions: Open file
2 input_wrf: wrf_get_next_time current_date:
2014-10-14_18:00:00 Status = -4
-------------- FATAL CALLED ---------------
... Could not find matching time in input file
application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1) - process 0
I am pasting the &time control and &chem parts of my namelist
run_days = 2,
run_hours = 0,
run_minutes = 0,
run_seconds = 0,
start_year = 2014, 2014, 2014,
start_month = 10, 10, 10,
start_day = 14, 14, 14,
start_hour = 18, 18, 18,
start_minute = 00, 00, 00,
start_second = 00, 00, 00,
end_year = 2014, 2014, 2014,
end_month = 10, 10, 10,
end_day = 16, 16, 16,
end_hour = 18, 18, 18,
end_minute = 00, 00, 00,
end_second = 00, 00, 00,
interval_seconds = 21600,
input_from_file = .true.,.true.,.true.,
history_interval = 60, 60, 60,
frames_per_outfile = 1000, 1000, 1000,
restart = .false.,
restart_interval = 0,
io_form_history = 0,
io_form_restart = 0,
io_form_input = 2,
io_form_boundary = 2,
auxinput6_inname = 'wrfbiochemi_d01',
auxinput7_inname = 'wrffirechemi_d<domain>_<date>',
auxinput8_inname = 'wrfchemi_gocart_bg_d<domain>',
auxinput12_inname = 'wrf_chem_input',
auxinput13_inname = 'wrfchemv_d<domain>',
auxinput5_interval_m =
auxinput7_interval_m = 60, 60, 60,
auxinput8_interval_m = 86400, 86400, 86400,
auxinput13_interval_m = 86400, 86400, 86400,
frames_per_auxinput7 = 1, 1, 1,
frames_per_auxinput5 = 1, 1, 1,
io_form_auxinput2 = 2,
io_form_auxinput5 = 2,
io_form_auxinput6 = 2,
io_form_auxinput7 = 2,
io_form_auxinput8 = 0,
io_form_auxinput12 = 0,
io_form_auxinput13 = 0,
debug_level = 0,
io_form_auxinput4 = 0,
auxinput4_inname = 'wrflowinp_d<domain>',
auxinput4_interval = 21600, 21600, 21600,
auxinput1_inname = "met_em.d<domain>.<date>",
kemit = 1,
chem_opt = 112, 112, 112,
bioemdt = 30, 30, 30,
photdt = 30, 30, 30,
chemdt = 0, 0, 0,
io_style_emissions = 2,
emiss_opt = 8, 8, 8,
emiss_inpt_opt = 111, 111, 111,
emiss_opt_vol = 0, 0, 0,
emiss_ash_hgt = 20000.,
chem_in_opt = 0, 0, 0,
phot_opt = 3, 3, 3,
gas_drydep_opt = 1, 1, 1,
aer_drydep_opt = 1, 1, 1,
bio_emiss_opt = 3, 3, 3,
ne_area = 500,
dust_opt = 1,
dmsemis_opt = 1,
seas_opt = 1,
depo_fact = 0.25
gas_bc_opt = 1, 1, 1,
gas_ic_opt = 1, 1, 1,
aer_bc_opt = 1, 1, 1,
aer_ic_opt = 1, 1, 1,
gaschem_onoff = 1, 1, 1,
aerchem_onoff = 1, 1, 1,
wetscav_onoff = 0, 0, 0,
cldchem_onoff = 0, 0, 0,
vertmix_onoff = 1, 1, 1,
chem_conv_tr = 1, 1, 1,
conv_tr_wetscav = 0, 0, 0,
conv_tr_aqchem = 0, 0, 0,
biomass_burn_opt = 2, 2, 2,
plumerisefire_frq = 30, 30, 30,
scale_fire_emiss = .true., .true., .true.,
have_bcs_chem = .true., .false., .false.,
aer_ra_feedback = 1, 1, 1,
aer_op_opt = 0,
opt_pars_out = 0,
diagnostic_chem = 0,
chemdiag = 1, 1, 1,
Please help me resolve this issue. Thanks in advance.
with regards,
Tabish U Ansari
PhD student, Lancaster Environment Center
Lancaster Univeristy
Bailrigg, Lancaster,
LA1 4YW, United Kingdom
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