[Wrf-users] (no subject)

Mehran Khodamorad mkhodamorad at gmail.com
Fri Oct 30 03:55:13 MDT 2015

Also, this warning appears :
"Namelist logging not found in namelist.input. Using registry defaults for
 bles in logging.
 Namelist logging not found in namelist.input. Using registry defaults for
 bles in logging.
 Namelist dfi_control not found in namelist.input. Using registry defaults
for v
 ariables in dfi_control
 Namelist tc not found in namelist.input. Using registry defaults for
 in tc
 Namelist noah_mp not found in namelist.input. Using registry defaults for
 bles in noah_mp
 Namelist scm not found in namelist.input. Using registry defaults for
  in scm
 Namelist fire not found in namelist.input. Using registry defaults for
 s in fire
 Namelist diags not found in namelist.input. Using registry defaults for
 es in diags
 --- WARNING: traj_opt is zero, but num_traj is not zero; setting num_traj
to ze
 --- NOTE: sst_update is 0, setting io_form_auxinput4 = 0 and
  = 0 for all domains
 --- NOTE: grid_fdda is 0 for domain      1, setting gfdda interval and
ending t
 ime to 0 for that domain.
 --- NOTE: both grid_sfdda and pxlsm_soil_nudge are 0 for domain      1,
  sgfdda interval and ending time to 0 for that domain.
 --- NOTE: obs_nudge_opt is 0 for domain      1, setting obs nudging
interval an
 d ending time to 0 for that domain.
 bl_pbl_physics /= 4, implies mfshconv must be 0, resetting"
I dont know where is noahmp, tc,...  in namelist.input?
Many thanks

 Dr. Mehraneh Khodamorad Pour,
Assistant Professor,
Bu-Ali Sina University,
Faculty of Agriculture,
Hamedan, IRAN.

On Fri, Oct 30, 2015 at 1:15 PM, Mehran Khodamorad <mkhodamorad at gmail.com>

> Dear Wrf Users
> I am going to run Wrfv3.5.1 with NoahMP as a land surface scheme.
> everything is Ok when i run real.exe, but when i run wrf.exe, this
> following error occures
> "Timing for main: time 2013-01-10_06:06:00 on domain   1:    9.24627
> elapsed seconds
>  critical problem: ZLVL <= ZPD; model stops
>  -------------- FATAL CALLED ---------------
>  FATAL CALLED FROM FILE:  <stdin>  LINE:    4128
>  STOP in Noah-MP
>  -------------------------------------------
>  -------------- FATAL CALLED ---------------
>  FATAL CALLED FROM FILE:  <stdin>  LINE:    4128
>  STOP in Noah-MP
> "
> could any one help me, how i can fix it?
> Many Thanks in advance
> Mehraneh
> ​ ​
>  Dr. Mehraneh Khodamorad Pour,
> Assistant Professor,
> Bu-Ali Sina University,
> Faculty of Agriculture,
> Hamedan, IRAN.
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