[Wrf-users] Error in ungribbing gfs data

Mehran Khodamorad mkhodamorad at gmail.com
Wed Oct 21 03:39:10 MDT 2015

The error oocures because of using Vtable.GFS instead of Vtable.GfS-new

On Wednesday, October 21, 2015, afwande juliet <afwandej965 at gmail.com>

> Good to hear so what was the exact problem??
> On Wed, Oct 21, 2015 at 2:14 AM, Mehran Khodamorad <mkhodamorad at gmail.com
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','mkhodamorad at gmail.com');>> wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> Many Thanks for your help. Finally it works.
>> Best,
>> Mehraneh
>>  Dr. Mehraneh Khodamorad Pour,
>> Assistant Professor,
>> Bu-Ali Sina University,
>> Faculty of Agriculture,
>> Hamedan, IRAN.
>> On Wed, Oct 21, 2015 at 11:35 AM, afwande juliet <afwandej965 at gmail.com
>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','afwandej965 at gmail.com');>> wrote:
>>> Dear Mehraneh,
>>> I think try checking the following
>>> 1.that you linked correct Vtable with correct data, there is new
>>> Vtable.GFS that should work, the old one seems to have issues as I had
>>> experienced. compare this table attached with the one you used if all
>>> parameters are same
>>> 2. You can use g1print/g2print to check on your data
>>> 3. the files for GFS are two gfs* .flx and gfs* .pgb I hope this is so
>>> for your data which you need to ungrib together
>>> Am sorry if my comments were not helpful
>>> thanks and good luck
>>> Afwande
>>> On Wed, Oct 21, 2015 at 12:50 AM, Mehran Khodamorad <
>>> mkhodamorad at gmail.com
>>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','mkhodamorad at gmail.com');>> wrote:
>>>> Dear WRF user,
>>>> I have got a big problem when i wanted to ungrib  gfs data in
>>>> gfs.t00z.pgrb2f** format for the scond of February in 2014.  When i run
>>>> ungrib in wrfdomainwizard, it got this following error:
>>>> ERROR:  ERROR querying GRIB2 message = 2
>>>> - - - - - - -  List of Output  - - - - - - -
>>>> List of ungrib.exe files found
>>>>     No decoded GRIB files were found.
>>>> rec GRIB GRIB  Lvl  Lvl  Lvl         Time      Fcst
>>>>  Num Code name  Code one  two                   hour
>>>> ----------------------------------------------------
>>>> *** stopping in gribcode ***\n
>>>> \tI was expecting a Grib1 file, but this is a Grib2 file.
>>>> \tUse g2print on Grib2 files\n
>>>> gribsize in gribcode
>>>> Copen: File =
>>>> Fortran Unit = 135093580
>>>> UNIX File descriptor: 3
>>>> I knew the format of these gfs data in GRIB2,Could anyone help me  how
>>>> i can fix it?
>>>> By the way, WPS compiles with  Grib2 and i use the gfs data includes
>>>> gfs.t00z.pgrb2f00 to gfs.t00z.pgrb2f48 for 48 hours forecast.
>>>> Many Thank in advance.
>>>> Regards
>>>> Mehraneh
>>>>  Dr. Mehraneh Khodamorad Pour,
>>>> Assistant Professor,
>>>> Bu-Ali Sina University,
>>>> Faculty of Agriculture,
>>>> Hamedan, IRAN.
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 Dr. Mehraneh Khodamorad Pour,
Assistant Professor,
Bu-Ali Sina University,
Faculty of Agriculture,
Hamedan, IRAN.
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