[Wrf-users] Fwd: tutorial 2 wrf.exe run issues

Shayak Sengupta shayak.sengupta at me.com
Sun Oct 11 13:16:04 MDT 2015


I'm trying to do Tutorial 2 on the WRF Chem webpage. I have successfully completed Tutorial 1 without any problems. I proceeded with the instructions in Tutorial 2. I ran real.exe and the program ran fine by making the correct wrfinput file. When I try running wrf.exe, I run into issues saying that " Could not find matching time in input file." I've attached one of the eight rsl files as well as my namelist.input. I'm not sure if there's an error on the namelist. If try using the namelist.input given on the webpage for Tutorial 2, I also get errors. 

Initially, I placed all three input files (wrfchemi_d01_global, wrffirechemi_d01, and wrfchemi_gocart_bg_d01) from the tutorial in the directory Build_WRF/WRFV3/test/em_real and ran real.exe. Then I changed the namelist.input options according to the tutorial instructions and ran wrf.exe. I got memory allocation errors (even after adding ulimt -c unlimited to my run script, also attached). After some experimenting, I found out that I needed to move wrffirechemi_d01, and wrfchemi_gocart_bg_d01 out of the em_real directory to not get the memory allocation error. After moving those out, I try running wrf.exe and I get the errors seen in the attached files.

I checked my compilation logs to see if there was anything wrong with my compiling, but I don't think so. I ran the model correctly before with WRF-Chem Tutorial 1 as well as with the WRF tutorials on the main UCAR page. 

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Shayak Sengupta
Fulbright-Nehru Student Research Fellow

Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
Kanpur, India
shayak.sengupta at me.com
+91 7054-258626
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