[Wrf-users] WPS Error: Segmentation Fault signal aborts geogrid.exe

Yan Españo yahnrockz at gmail.com
Thu Mar 5 23:37:06 MST 2015

Hi ! There is something went wrong when I running geogrid.exe
When I run the program, it displays this message:

dess-astro-meteo at DESS-ASTRO-METEO WPS $ ./geogrid.exe
Parsed 21 entries in GEOGRID.TBL
Processing domain 1 of 2
  Processing XLAT and XLONG
  Processing MAPFAC
  Processing F and E
  Processing ROTANG
  Processing LANDUSEF

Program received signal SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault - invalid memory

Backtrace for this error:
#0  0xB760F163
#1  0xB760F800
#2  0xB77193FF
#3  0x8059018 in __interp_module_MOD_four_pt
#4  0x8056BFB in __interp_module_MOD_interp_sequence
#5  0x8084B0F in __proc_point_module_MOD_get_point
#6  0x807736A in __process_tile_module_MOD_calc_field
#7  0x807D595 in __process_tile_module_MOD_process_tile
Segmentation fault

Does anyone knows how to fix this issue ? Thank you !
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