[Wrf-users] Erodibility in WRF 3.6.1

Seyed Omid Nabavi omid.nabavy at gmail.com
Wed Feb 25 01:20:45 MST 2015

Dear all,

I am new in working with WRF chem. As far as I know, WRF chem uses
elevation differences (Ginoux, 2001) to measure potential of dust emission
(Erodibility). I needed to use erodibility and expected 2D array, but I
found it 3D. I did not know from where this additional dimension is coming
from. So, I have checked emission formula of WRF chem and I took it as the
multiple of (S) * (sr). *F(r) = C L S s(r) u**210m **(u**10m**- u**t*
*(r,w))**. **S*: Topographic depression, *s*(*r*): Fraction of particle
size class.

Here are my questions: *1- Is EROD calculated by aforementioned term? 2-
 Considering this dimension,called dust_erosion_dimension, have length of
three and there is no additional description on them, which subsets
represent multiple of each three types of soil and ; Clay, Silt and Sand
and (S). 3- Finally, the subset 2 and 3 have the same values. why?*

In case of need, You can find it in geo_em_d1.nc created by geogrid.exe

Best regards,



Seyed Omid Nabavi;

PhD student, University of Vienna,

Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography and Astronomy

Department of Geography and Regional Research

UZA II Althanstrasse 14 A-1010 Vienna

Uni. Email: a1276905 at unet.univie.ac.at

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