[Wrf-users] Doubt regarding GOCART scheme: WRF/Chem

Tabish Ansari tabishumaransari at gmail.com
Tue Jan 6 14:31:31 MST 2015


I am trying to run a simulation using chem_opt=300 i.e., the GOCART simple
aerosol scheme and I have prepared my emissions using prep_chem_src program
with GOCART anthropogenic as well as background emissions.

I have a wrfchemi_00z_d01 file which contains several variables but with
values filled only in E_OC, E_BC and E_SO2; rest all variables have zero

Then, I also have a wrfchemi_background file which has DMS, NO3, H2O2 and
OH variables, all having finite values.

Now the problem is that it seems the wrfchemi_d01 file is not being read
during the simulations (though I have switched on auxinput 5 and it looks
for wrfchemi_00z_d01 but it does not read in the variables). I have
ascertained this by making the E_OC 5 times the actual value and re-running
the simulations, I get the same PM10 concentrations in both simulations.

This confirms that the emissions are not being read-in.

How to resolve this issue?

Thank you very much in advance.

Tabish U Ansari
MS Research Scholar
Environmental & Water Resources Engineering Division
Department of Civil Engineering
IIT Madras
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