[Wrf-users] Using High Resolution NED for Topography in Geogrid

Бакиров, Медер bakirov at almetico.com
Mon Mar 31 02:55:03 MDT 2014

Maybe related: http://laps.noaa.gov/topograbber/


On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 2:23 AM, Tom Hultquist <hultq016 at umn.edu> wrote:
> I've found a few resources online that describe how one can use the USGS NED
> data within WRF so that 10 m topography can be utilized. However, none of
> the resources I've found thus far go into great detail on how to go through
> the process. I might be able to work through it, but figured I would first
> ask to see if anyone knows of a resource that may explain how to do so in a
> nice end-to-end manner.
> Tom Hultquist
> University of Minnesota
> Department of Soil, Water, & Climate
> Borlaug 165
> hultq016 at umn.edu
> 612-208-2127
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