[Wrf-users] WRF3.5.1 CLM stopping for long term simulation with high resolution run

S Paul supanthapaul at gmail.com
Wed Dec 18 12:00:24 MST 2013

Hi.. need a little help... got stuck during runtime, particularly for a
long run(more than 1month, with dx=10km) WRF coupled with CLM(available
from latest release 3.5), isn't working... below is the error message I got
and run stops after 28 days of simulation, I tried to reduce time step but
to no avail.... mp_phy=11, ra_lw_physics = 3,ra_sw_physics= 3,bl_pbl=1,
cu_phy=1 for both parent and nest domain.

The problem doesn't happen when I run wrf coupled with either NOAH or

Any kind suggestion will be of great help.

Here is the message( I raised the debug level 2nd time to see what exactly
happening but unable to figure out why the clm is failing) :
BalanceCheck: solar radiation balance error nstep =     12001 point =     2
imbalance =   -0.115705 W/m2
 fsa          =   0.000000000000000E+000
 fsr          =    115.588842857838
 forc_solad(1)=    2.96988487243652
 forc_solad(2)=    3.34805059432983
 forc_solai(1)=    55.6788673400879
 forc_solai(2)=    53.7077445983887
 forc_tot     =    115.704547405243

clm model is stopping
 -------------- FATAL CALLED ---------------
 FATAL CALLED FROM FILE:  <stdin>  LINE:     141

Heartiest Thanks

Supantha Paul
Research Scholar
Mumbai 400076
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