[Wrf-users] About dx and dy using lat-lon

Robert Schuster rxschuster at gmail.com
Fri Nov 15 05:58:06 MST 2013

Dear all,

thank you for your useful comments! My problem is now solved by using
the DX and DY values calculated by metgrid in the namelist.input.

It would be a good idea to update the manual on this point.

> Jatin Kala <mailto:jatin.kala.jk at gmail.com>
> 14. November 2013 21:56
> Do an ncdump -h of any met_em file, and you should get the dx and dy
> in m which u can specify in namelist.input. We had the same problem
> when uding rotated lat-lon grid
> Sent from my iPhone
> Robert Schuster <mailto:rxschuster at gmail.com>
> 14. November 2013 18:26
> Dear WRF users,
> I have the same problem as already described below. I configured WRF
> with a regional "lat-lon" domain. My grid spacing is 0.081 degrees in
> each direction. The WPS tools accept dx and dy in degrees (as described
> in the user guide), but real.exe complains about a mismatch between the
> dx/dy from namilist.input and the values stored by metgrid in the
> met_em....nc files.
> How to solve this problem? Is a solution to place the metgrid calculated
> dx/dy in meters in namelist.input? Is it better to store dx/dy in the
> metgrid produced files in degrees (for example by editing the attributes
> with ncatted)? Are there any side effects of these solutions?
> Best Regards,
> Robert Schuster
> Output from real.exe (Version 3.5.1):
> dx and dy from file 9005.376 9005.376
> dx and dy from namelist 8.1000000E-02 8.1000000E-02
> -------------- FATAL CALLED ---------------
> DX and DY do not match comparing namelist to the input file
> -------------------------------------------
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