[Wrf-users] cfl error in very complex topography

Ólafur Rögnvaldsson or at belgingur.is
Sat Jun 15 06:22:55 MDT 2013

Dear Jorge.

In our experience you may need to set "epssm" to an even greater number than what David suggests.

The value we use for our SARWeather system is:

epssm = 0.3, 0.6, 1.2,

where the model resolution is 9, 3, and 1km, respectively.

This setup, using the following 41 full-sigma levels 

    eta_levels = 1.000, 0.993, 0.985, 0.969, 0.953, 0.937, 0.921, 0.905,
                 0.888, 0.870, 0.853, 0.835, 0.816, 0.798, 0.778, 0.759,
                 0.739, 0.718, 0.696, 0.674, 0.651, 0.628, 0.603, 0.577,
                 0.550, 0.522, 0.492, 0.461, 0.426, 0.389, 0.348, 0.302,
                 0.242, 0.212, 0.182, 0.152, 0.121, 0.091, 0.061, 0.030,

gives a stable solution over a 24 hour period for a 160x160 points 1km domain (nested from 9 and 3 km domains) centered over Mt. Aconcagua:


Hope this is of some use and good luck with your simulations.

Best, Ólafur.

Ps. You need to register (https://www.sarweather.com/accounts/register/  -> this is free of charge) if you want to download the wrfout-files from the simulation I linked to.

> Jorge,
> I see you have tried many of the recommended steps.  Have you tried
> setting epssm to a larger number?  For my 4th domain, 0.2 is
> sufficient 
> epssm       = 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2,
> but you might want as much as 0.4 or even higher.  Change that in the
> &dynamics section of your namelist.input file, rerun real.exe, and try
> your run again.
> David
> -- 
> David Ovens		 e-mail: ovens at atmos.washington.edu
> Research Meteorologist    phone: (206) 685-8108
> Dept of Atm. Sciences      plan: Real-time MM5 forecasting for the
> Box 351640                        Pacific Northwest
> University of Washington          http://www.atmos.washington.edu/mm5rt
> Seattle, WA  98195               Weather Graphics and Loops
>                                  http://www.atmos.washington.edu/~ovens/loops
> On Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 01:36:11PM -0400, Jorge Alejandro Arevalo Borquez wrote:
>> Dears,
>> I am trying to run WRF over Central Chile. I am using 4 nested domains, the
>> finner one has 1 km of horizontal resolution with 50 vertical levels.
>> Domains includes Aconcagua mountain wich is about 6900 masl.
>> When I run wrf I get cfl errors at few seconds after start in grid-points
>> near to Aconcagua, but wrf crash in the call to radiation parametrization.
>> I tried to decrease time-step, use adaptive time-step, edit GEOGRID.TBL  to
>> use 1-2-1 smooth option, change my set of parametrization. Even I tried to
>> edit geog data and apply a simple filter to smooth topography near
>> aconcagua region. All efforts has concluded with the same cfl errors.
>> Any advice is welcome
>> Regards
>> Atentamente
>> Jorge Ar?valo B?rquez
>> Profesor Auxiliar
>> Coordinador LMA-UV
>> Departamento de Meteorolog?a
>> Universidad de Valpara?so
>> 56-32-2508710
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Dr. Ólafur Rögnvaldsson
Belgingur, reiknistofa í veðurfræði
www.riv.is - www.belgingur.is

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