[Wrf-users] reg: error during ./wrf.exe and sometimes during ./metgrid.exe

Leonid Gonchukov gonchukovlv at gmail.com
Wed Jun 5 20:11:28 MDT 2013

temporal and spatial seetings in your namelists and log are different. it
would be better to attach files with same settings. For the more clearness
youalso  can attach result of 'ncdump -h ./wrfinput_d01'

2013/6/3 Malleswararao Maguluri <mallesh4science at gmail.com>

> Dear WRF Users,
> I installed Intel fortran and c compilers. and installed netcdf-3.6.3 and
> WRF, WPS and ARWPost using icc and ifort compilers. it works fine.
> when i tried to run 7 deg * 7 deg, it works fine. when i tried to run
> using whole india or tried to increase the domain, two problems occured
>  1) during ./metgrid.exe, the system is hanged
>  2) if sometimes metgrid process completed, and ./real.exe works fine.
> but during ./wrf.exe, the following error occured. i attached the log file
>  i attached namelist.wps and namelist.input files aso.
>  pls try to resolve this issue sir,
>  my system configurations are
>  Fedora16, 2gb ram, 160 gb hard disk, i3 processor, WRF V3.1, WPS V3.1.
>  when i tried to decrease the resolution (dx and dy) then it is working (
> i.e for 11 deg* 11deg, it works for resolution 60 km * 60km , but it is not
> work for 30 km * 30km)
> i increased my ram memory from 2gb to 4gb, still the error is same
> --
> M.Tech (Atmospheric Science)
> Young Professional in Cyclone Models
> APSDPS, AP Secreteriat, Hyderabad
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Leonid Gonchukov
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