[Wrf-users] num_metgrid_levels?

Jorge Alejandro Arevalo Borquez jab at meteo.uv.cl
Wed May 22 15:28:29 MDT 2013

Hi, the command you must use is
ncdump -h met_em......

at end of output you will see required values


Jorge Arévalo Bórquez
Profesor Auxiliar
Coordinador LMA-UV
Departamento de Meteorología
Universidad de Valparaíso

On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 1:25 PM, Tabish Ansari
<tabishumaransari at gmail.com>wrote:

> How do i find the no. of incoming data levels, soil data levels, and eta
> levels?
> I tried to used ncdump utility on metfiles and ended up with huge databse
> running on my screen with no output.
> --
> Thanks & Regards
> Research Scholar
> Department of Civil Engineering
> IIT-Madras
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