[Wrf-users] about the base potential temperature and buoyancy calcaulation

xin.xu.nju xin.xu.nju at gmail.com
Sun Feb 17 00:43:11 MST 2013

Hi All,

I'm posting this email for help about the base potential temperature in the WRF model (the real-data mode).

Perturbation potential temperature is a standard WRF output with the name "T".

The total potential temperature is pt0 = T + 300K, as said in the WRF manual (see "Special WRF Output Variables").

Does it mean that the base state potential temperature is simply 300K? If so, it immediately suggests a neutral atmosphere with N^2 = 0, where N is the buoyancy frequency.

In my opinion, the base pt0 should be at least height-dependent, that is, pt0 = pt0(z).

As the WRF vertical coordinate is not horizontal, it may be the function of (x,y) also. 

Does anyone know about that?

Moreover, the total temperature is diagnosed from the poison equation. But how to get the base-state temperature (this is actually related to the base-state pt)?

Appreciate for any kind help.


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