[Wrf-users] Compiling WRFDA on Mac OS X 10.7.4

Crowell, Sean M. scrowell at ou.edu
Fri Aug 24 10:24:03 MDT 2012


After a fresh untarring, that seems to have solved the problem.  I get the correct set of executables in var/build/, and all seems right with the world.


On Aug 24, 2012, at 11:02 AM, Dmitry N. Mikushin wrote:

Do you make a clean build? I.e. "./clean -a" and then configure and
compile again?

- D.

2012/8/24 Crowell, Sean M. <scrowell at ou.edu<mailto:scrowell at ou.edu>>:
I considered doing this after reading some C-programming forums, but I'm not
much of a C programmer…  It certainly stopped giving that "int" error in the
compilation, but still no executables in var/build/.

On Aug 24, 2012, at 10:48 AM, Dmitry N. Mikushin wrote:


Sorry, I was too fast with my conclusion and did not pay attention to

main( int argc, char *argv[], char *env[] )

Please change void to int here in registry.c. Then with clang it
should compile, even without "return 0;" in the end.

- D.

2012/8/24 Crowell, Sean M. <scrowell at ou.edu<mailto:scrowell at ou.edu>>:

I added this line at the end as you suggested, but the error message
to be the same.  I've included the output as you requested.  When I
what compiler "cc" is pointing to, the system says it's pointing to


Sean Crowell
Postdoctoral Research Associate
College of Atmospheric and Geographic Sciences
University of Oklahoma
Office: NWC 5420
Phone: (405)325-1089
scrowell at ou.edu<mailto:scrowell at ou.edu>

On Aug 24, 2012, at 10:13 AM, Dmitry N. Mikushin wrote:

Hi Sean,

In tools/registry.c try to add "return 0;" statement to the end of the
main function:

system( command ) ;

return 0;

If more errors will occur, please post the new log here, as with
registry successfully compiled the log might be a lot different.

Btw, what is the name of that serious CC compiler? According to your
log it forces C99. Why?

- D.

2012/8/15 Crowell, Sean M. <scrowell at ou.edu<mailto:scrowell at ou.edu>>:

I am attempting to compile Version 3.4 of WRFDA on my Mac Pro, and am

running into difficulties.  I emailed about compiling WRF once before,

was given a nice configure script that solved my problems.  I'm guessing

that it's a similar difficulty here, but I can't seem to figure out

going wrong.  I have included my configure.wrf file, which is identical

what I used to successfully compile WRF, as well as a compile.log file

has the output of the compile all_wrfvar step.



Sean Crowell

Postdoctoral Research Associate

College of Atmospheric and Geographic Sciences

University of Oklahoma

Office: NWC 5420

Phone: (405)325-1089

scrowell at ou.edu<mailto:scrowell at ou.edu>


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