[Wrf-users] GPS Observations with WRFDA

Crowell, Sean M. scrowell at ou.edu
Thu Jul 19 10:26:45 MDT 2012

Hi everyone,

I found documentation for WRFDA that says it can use GPS PWV observations, but I can't find anywhere that specifies how the little r files are supposed to be set up.  There's obviously not a place for PWV in the standard little r data format, so something must be being overwritten (u,v,T,…).  Anyone know where I can look for this information?


Sean Crowell
Postdoctoral Research Associate
College of Atmospheric and Geographic Sciences
University of Oklahoma
Office: NWC 5420
Phone: (405)325-1089
scrowell at ou.edu<mailto:scrowell at ou.edu>

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