[Wrf-users] Second Meeting of Atmospherical Modelling - Valparaíso, Chile

Jorge Alejandro Arevalo Borquez jab at meteo.uv.cl
Sun Jul 15 14:05:45 MDT 2012

Dear colleagues and students,

Departamento de Meteorología de la Universidad de Valparaíso and Servicio
Meteorológico de la Armada are pleased to issue the second notice of call
for the "II Encuentro de Modelación Atmosférica" to be held between 17 and
19 October 2012 in the halls of the Naval Museum. Valparaíso, Chile.
This meeting aims to give the opportunity to exchange scientific ideas,
news and issues in the area of atmospheric modeling, along with allowing
the integration of students and young researchers to research in this area.
The meeting will consist of invited talks, oral presentations and posters,
and whose program will be defined by the scientific committee.
*Invited Speakears:*
*Ph.D. Karla M. Longo, Researcher, Instituto National Space Research (INPE)
- Centre for Earth System Science do.*
*Ph.D. Saulo Ribeiro de Freitas, Central Tempo e Estudos Prediction and
Climate (CPTEC / INPE).*
*Ph.D. Georg A. Grell, Researcher, Earth System Research Laboratory of NOAA.
*Ph.D. Julio C. Marín, Departamento de Meteorología, Universidad de

Registration and paper submission must be made through the website
http://www.meteo.uv.cl/ema, where you can find more information about the

*The deadline for submission of papers was extended until August 31, 2012.*

  Before August 15, 2012
      Students:  CLP $ 15.000 (USD $ 35)
      Others:     CLP $ 35,000 (USD $ 75)
  From August 15 until the October 1, 2012
      Students:  CLP $ 20,000 (USD $ 45)
      Others:     CLP $ 50,000 (USD $ 110)

Best Regards
Organizing Committee

Jorge Arévalo Bórquez
Coordinador LMA-UV
Departamento de Meteorología
Universidad de Valparaíso
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