[Wrf-users] Issues with ndown.exe

Crowell, Sean M. scrowell at ou.edu
Wed May 16 08:38:15 MDT 2012

Hi, everyone.

I'm trying to using ndown.exe to perform a one way nested grids run.  I'm working alongside the tutorial online at the ARW users' site, but modified for my case, and everything works as it should, except that when I get to the step where I run ndown.exe, I get a fault, and the error message says that the ndown is unable to locate the file ".foo1".  I can see in the source code where this error message is coming from, but I can't figure out what file is missing, since .foo1 is really just supposed to be basic information about the number of wrfout files to interpolate to the boundaries of the inner nest.  Any ideas you have to help me figure this out would be appreciated.

NOAA Jet (linux)
WRF 3.3.1

Sean Crowell
Postdoctoral Research Associate
College of Atmospheric and Geographic Sciences
University of Oklahoma
scrowell at ou.edu<mailto:scrowell at ou.edu>

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