[Wrf-users] Better strategy to compress wrf output files

Agnes Mika agnes.mika at bmtargoss.com
Wed Apr 25 00:55:53 MDT 2012

Hallo Ahmad,

 I think the best way is to limit the number of the variables in the
 archived files.

 You can limit your direct output from WRF to only the variables you'd
 like to keep by modifying the registry (see the WRF manual).

 Another option is to leave WRF as it is and write a script which does
 the archiving, for example by using the NCO operators (ncks in this
 case) to cut out the variables you want to keep.


Ahmad Wan wrote:
> Greetings, 
> I would appreciate if anyone could help me with this particular problem, I am running a WRF, for already 2 years (planning on running 30 years), and I am wondering if there is a strategy to save and compress (or even convert) to save space that will inevitably take more than 6 Terabytes. That is the amount of space I am expecting anyway. Compressing with gunzip or bzip2 doesn't seem enough to me, as it only reduces ~30% (NOT 30% of Original size). Perhaps my expectation is unrealistic? Is there a way to limit the output to certain variables? I would like know that as well, but I only see that (limiting variables) as a last resort. Thanks in advance.
> Regards,
> Wan Ardie


Dr. Ágnes Mika
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