[Wrf-users] Compile WRFV3.3 with PGI 8.0, it possible??

Arlette Chacon arlette.chacon at uv.cl
Tue Feb 14 10:08:28 MST 2012


I want to intall WRFV3.3 in a different cluster with use Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 4. All the program that I need to use to install the WRF model (netCDF, NCL…) are compiled with PGI 8.0.  When I try to compile the model present and error with netCDF(version 4) and HFD5. 
So may be the new version of WRF can not be install with the version of PGI 8.0. Mt question is What version of WRF is good with PGI 8.0 and netCDF 4?

Thank you, cheers

Arlette Chacon
Research assistant
Department of Earth Sciences                
St. Francis Xavier University	            
P.O. Box 5000, Antigonish 		    
Nova Scotia, Canada,B2G 2W5            

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