[Wrf-users] Topo and land use ASCII - netCDF transformation program

Mikhail Titov TitovM at ap.aurecongroup.com
Thu Jun 2 16:37:52 MDT 2011

Hello All Users,

As there was some interest regarding the program to transform ASCII terrain and land-use in WRF format I would like to send  all 3 subroutines to everyone who will need it.
Just follow the instructions below and in 'README'. I working on SGI cluster use as input ASCII file format F7.1 but this is flexible and can be changed in the procedure.
The program is two way and you can check your binary files applying reverse transformation. Please let me know if you improve the transformation procedure.

Good luck and kind regards,

Find attached the program itself 'rd_wr_formatted' (executable and Fortran code) and two C subroutines: to read ('read_geogrid.c') and to write ('write_geogrid.c').
Also I attached README as every computer has its niceties. All additional instructions you will find in 'rd_wr.formatted.f90' itself. The program works with formatted ASCII input files
prepared using Statistica, TextPad or any piece of code. I work on SGI and use Linux Red Hat.

Good luck,


Dr. Mikhail Titov | Senior Prof. Officer, Energy | Aurecon
Ph: +64 3 366 08 21 ext.9231 DDI +64 367 32 31 | Fax: +64 3 379 6955 | Mob: +64 21 106 5563
Email: TitovM at ap.aurecongroup.com<mailto:TitovM at ap.aurecongroup.com>
Unit 1, 150 Cavendish Road | Christchurch 8051 | New Zealand
PO Box 1061

Please consider your environment before printing this e-mail.

From: Feng Liu [mailto:FLiu at azmag.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, 1 June 2011 10:01 a.m.
To: Mikhail Titov
Subject: RE: [Wrf-users] Changing land use

Hi Mikhail,
It is highly appreciated if you could share your program with us. Thanks.

From: wrf-users-bounces at ucar.edu [mailto:wrf-users-bounces at ucar.edu] On Behalf Of Mikhail Titov
Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2011 2:06 PM
To: Jorge Alejandro Arevalo Borquez; Matt Foster
Cc: wrf-users at ucar.edu
Subject: Re: [Wrf-users] Changing land use


I have a program written on C that transforms any input terrestrial ASCII code file (topo, land-use and so on) in WPS binary format: 'rd_wr_binary.exe'.
It is written on C as Fortran always leaves empty bits between 2 lines that is not appropriate. This program is 2-direction one and can be used to check
binary input terrestrial files transforming them in ASCII code. The program is very flexible and easily can be changed and re-compiled.

Of cause after preparation of our own terrestrial files I create new subdirectory (with tiles) and 'index' file in 'geog' and edit "GEOGRID.TBL" in
' WPS/geogrid/' sub-directory to create several pointers on new terrestrial files and to choose an appropriate' interp_option'.

We use to create our own terrain and land-use files (using special statistical methods and GIS) all the time for fine resolution WRF runs
(1000 - 500m) to study wind resources for different on-shore and off-shore sites. USGS 2m - 30s terrestrial data is too coarse and very often is a crap.


Dr. Mikhail Titov | Senior Prof. Officer, Energy | Aurecon
Ph: +64 3 366 08 21 ext.9231 DDI +64 367 32 31 | Fax: +64 3 379 6955 | Mob: +64 21 106 5563
Email: TitovM at ap.aurecongroup.com<mailto:TitovM at ap.aurecongroup.com>
Unit 1, 150 Cavendish Road | Christchurch 8051 | New Zealand
PO Box 1061

Please consider your environment before printing this e-mail.

From: wrf-users-bounces at ucar.edu [mailto:wrf-users-bounces at ucar.edu] On Behalf Of Jorge Alejandro Arevalo Borquez
Sent: Wednesday, 1 June 2011 3:48 a.m.
To: Matt Foster
Cc: wrf-users at ucar.edu
Subject: Re: [Wrf-users] Changing land use

other option is modify the binary files of some existing landuse (modis or usgs), matlab read and write those files whit almost no problem.

Jorge Arévalo Bórquez
On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 11:22 AM, Matt Foster <Matthew.Foster at noaa.gov<mailto:Matthew.Foster at noaa.gov>> wrote:

We have done experiments here in the past, where we modified the greeness fraction based on data from polar-orbiting satellites.  We simply modified the geo_em NetCDF file, and it worked well.  You should be able to take the same approach with land use.


On 5/22/2011 6:06 AM, Hamed Sharifi wrote:
Dear All,
I want to change some values of my landuse in order to see how it affects the whole domain. For example,
change part of the landuse to Forest or Lack.
Does anyone know about this issue?
Thanks in advance,

Hamed Sharifi,
M.Sc Student, AUT Tehran/Iran      |hamed319 at yahoo.com<mailto:hamed319 at yahoo.com>  |
+98-9364024805<tel:%2B98-9364024805>                            | hamed_sharifi at aut.ac.ir<mailto:hamed_sharifi at aut.ac.ir> |


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